January Promotions

IPL (Intense Pulsed LIght) + Chemical Peel

$300 ($125 savings)

Plaxel+ skin tightening

30% Off (prices vary)

Introducing Plaxel+

Do you have an area on your face or body that needs a little tightening? The Plaxel+ uses true plasma to sublimate skin cells and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the treatment area. This leads to long-term skin tightening and lifting.

Laser Genesis

Package of 4 for $800 - Regular Price is $1k

How does Laser Genesis work? By stimulating collagen regrowth, Laser Genesis effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, tightens pores, reduces oil production, improves the skins overall tone and texture, gets rid of sun damage and helps to diminish any redness on the skin. Laser Genesis works by gently heating the dermis, which is located below the skin’s surface. Patients often find this treatment to be very soothing.

How often should I get a Laser Genesis treatment? Going in for a Laser Genesis treatment is actually very relaxing - much like a luxurious facial would be, but more effective. Traditional facials serve a great purpose, but for those who are very serious about their skin, upping the ante with Laser Genesis is money well spent. While it can take up to six treatments to see optimal results from Laser Genesis, it will really pay off in the long run. Traditional facial will not stimulate collagen regrowth or get rid of sunspots and diminish pore size but a Laser Genesis facial will. Laser Genesis also diffuses the facial redness that accompanies rosacea.