Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

Plaxel+ skin tightening

Plaxel+ skin tightening is a revolutionary non-invasive procedure gaining popularity for its ability to enhance the skin's appearance. By utilizing advanced fractional technology, Plaxel+ effectively targets specific areas of the skin to stimulate collagen production and improve overall tightness and firmness. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin without undergoing surgery.

The Plaxel+ plasma pen is a device that ionizes atmospheric gases to generate plasma energy. This energy is transferred to the epidermis as it leaps from the pen’s tip to the skin without any direct contact. Once the plasma energy reaches the skin, it forms a small white spot with a central black dot known as a carbon crust. This process results in the exfoliation and sublimation of epidermal skin cells and triggers the production of collagen and elastin. The Plaxel+ plasma pen can e applied to various facial and body areas, including the eyebrows, upper and lower eyelids, neck and hands. Additionally, Plaxel+ skin tightening helps to improve skin texture, reduce pore size, and even out skin tone for a more radiant complexion.

One of the key advantages of Plaxel+ skin tightening is its minimal downtime and relatively comfortable treatment experience compared to traditional surgical options. Patients can typically resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules. Results are also gradual and can continue to improve over several months as the collagen regeneration process takes full effect. Overall, Plaxel+ skin tightening offers a safe, effective, and long-lasting solution for individuals seeking to enhance their skin's appearance and achieve a more youthful glow.


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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

Proper lash extension care

Washing lash extensions is an essential part of their care and maintenance. Here are a few reasons why it's important to keep lash extensions clean:

1. Hygiene: Keeping your lash extensions clean helps maintain good hygiene. Throughout the day, your lashes can accumulate dirt, oils, makeup residue, and other debris. If these substances are not removed, they can build up on the lashes and potentially lead to irritation, infections, or other eye-related issues. Regular cleansing helps keep your lash line clean and reduces the risk of infections.

2. Extension retention: Proper cleansing helps to extend the lifespan of your lash extensions. When oils, debris, and makeup build up on the lashes, they can weaken the bond between the extensions and your natural lashes. This can cause the extensions to detach prematurely, resulting in a shorter lifespan and the need for more frequent touch-up appointments. By keeping the lashes clean, you can help ensure better adhesion and prolong the longevity of your lash extensions.

3. Eye health: Clean lash extensions contribute to overall eye health. If debris or makeup particles accumulate on the lashes, they can potentially migrate into your eyes, leading to irritation, redness, or dryness. By washing your lash extensions regularly, you can help prevent these issues and promote healthier eyes.

4. Lash appearance: Clean lashes look better and maintain their desired appearance. Accumulated oils and debris can make your lash extensions look dull, clumpy, or less vibrant. Regular cleansing helps to remove these substances and keeps your lashes looking fresh, fluffy, and more natural. When washing lash extensions, it's important to use a gentle, oil-free cleanser or a specialized lash extension cleanser recommended by your lash technician. Avoid using oil-based products or harsh cleansers, as they can break down the adhesive and cause the extensions to fall off prematurely. To wash your lash extensions, gently lather the cleanser on your fingertips and lightly massage it onto your closed eyes, including the lash line. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water, ensuring that all the cleanser is removed. Pat your lashes dry with a clean, lint-free towel or use a cool setting on a hairdryer to dry them. It's generally recommended to wash lash extensions 2-3 times a week, or as advised by your lash technician, to maintain their cleanliness and overall health.

Remember to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by your lash technician, as they may have tailored recommendations based on your individual lash extensions and their specific adhesive.

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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

Mega Volume

Mega volume lash extensions are an advanced technique in the field of eyelash extensions that offers an even more dramatic and voluminous look compared to classic and volume lash extensions. With mega volume extensions, an even greater number of ultra-fine lash fibers are used to create handmade fans or clusters, resulting in an extremely dense and full lash line. The process of applying mega volume lash extensions is similar to volume lash extensions but involves using an increased number of lash fibers in each fan. Unlike standard volume lash extensions, which typically use 2-6 extensions per fan, mega volume lashes can involve 10 or more extensions per fan, depending on the desired effect and the client's natural lashes. The fans are meticulously crafted by the lash artist with precision and skill. Here are the key steps involved in the mega volume lash extension process:

1. Consultation: As with any lash extension service, a consultation is conducted to discuss your desired look and assess the suitability of mega volume lashes based on your natural lashes and eye shape.

2. Preparation: Your natural lashes will be thoroughly cleansed to remove any makeup residues, oils, or debris. The technician will isolate your natural lashes using adhesive tape or gel pads, ensuring that the extensions are applied individually.

3. Fan creation: Using ultra-fine lash extensions, the lash technician manually creates handmade fans. This process involves picking up a larger number of lash fibers, fanning them out evenly, and securing them at the base with a minimal amount of adhesive. The fans are carefully crafted to achieve maximum density and volume.

4. Application: The lash artist will dip the base of each mega volume fan into a small amount of adhesive and attach it to a single natural lash. This step is repeated across the lash line, strategically placing the fans to achieve the desired mega volume effect.

5. Final touches: Once all the mega volume fans are applied, the technician will comb through the lashes to ensure they are evenly spaced and separated.

Mega volume lash extensions create a bold, glamorous, and full lash look. They are popular among individuals who desire a striking and eye-catching appearance, especially for special events or those who prefer an intense lash style. It's important to note that mega volume lash extensions require advanced skill and experience from the lash technician. The weight and density of the extensions can put more strain on the natural lashes, so it's crucial to ensure that your natural lashes are healthy and strong enough to support the additional weight. Proper aftercare and regular maintenance appointments are essential to maintain the longevity and health of mega volume lash extensions. Consulting with a certified lash technician or a reputable lash salon is recommended to understand the specific details and considerations of mega volume lash extensions and to determine if they are suitable for your individual needs.

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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

volume lash extensions

Volume lash extensions are a type of eyelash extension technique that involves applying multiple lightweight extensions to a single natural lash. This technique creates a fuller and more voluminous look compared to classic lash extensions, which involve attaching a single extension fiber to each natural lash. With volume lash extensions, lash technicians use ultra-fine lash fibers to create handmade fans or clusters of extensions. These fans typically consist of 2-6 extensions, although more or fewer lashes can be used depending on the desired effect and the client's natural lashes. The fans are carefully crafted by the lash artist using specialized techniques and adhesive. The volume lash extension process typically involves the following steps:

1. Consultation: During the consultation, you'll discuss your desired look with the lash technician. They will assess your natural lashes and recommend a suitable volume style based on your preferences and eye shape.

2. Preparation: Your natural lashes will be cleansed to remove any makeup, oils, or debris. The technician will then isolate your natural lashes using a gentle adhesive tape or gel pads to ensure that the extensions are applied individually.

3. Fan creation: The lash technician will take thin, lightweight lash extensions and skillfully create fans by hand. This involves picking up multiple extensions with specialized tweezers, fanning them out evenly, and securing them at the base with a small amount of adhesive.

4. Application: Using the handmade fans, the lash technician will carefully dip the base of each fan into a small amount of adhesive and attach it to a single natural lash. This process is repeated across the lash line, strategically placing the fans to achieve the desired volume and fullness.

5. Final touches: Once all the desired volume fans are applied, the technician will comb through the extensions to ensure they are evenly spaced and separated.

Volume lash extensions offer a more dramatic and glamorous appearance, making them popular for special occasions or for those who desire a fuller lash look. The number of extensions used in each fan, as well as the diameter and length of the extensions, can be customized to create a range of effects from natural volume to a more intense and fluttery look. It's important to note that the longevity of volume lash extensions will vary depending on your natural lash growth cycle and how well you care for them. Regular maintenance appointments are typically recommended to keep your lashes looking their best.

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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

hybrid lash extensions

Hybrid lash extensions are a type of eyelash extension that combines both classic and volume techniques to create a customized look. Traditional eyelash extensions involve attaching a single extension fiber to each natural lash, resulting in a natural and subtle enhancement. Volume lash extensions, on the other hand, involve creating fans or clusters of multiple lightweight extensions and applying them to a single natural lash, resulting in a more dramatic and fuller effect. With hybrid lash extensions, lash technicians use a combination of both classic and volume techniques to achieve a textured and multidimensional look. They apply a mix of individual lashes and volume fans to the natural lashes, blending them together for a customized outcome. The classic lashes provide length and thickness, while the volume fans add fullness and density. The hybrid lash extension process typically involves the following steps:

1. Consultation: During the consultation, you'll discuss your desired look with the lash technician. They will assess your natural lashes and recommend a suitable hybrid style based on your preferences and eye shape.

2. Preparation: Your natural lashes will be cleansed to remove any makeup, oils, or debris. The technician will then isolate your natural lashes using a gentle adhesive tape or gel pads to ensure that the extensions are applied individually.

3. Application: Using tweezers, the lash technician will carefully dip each extension into a small amount of adhesive and apply it to your natural lashes. Classic extensions are applied one by one, while volume fans are created and applied to individual lashes.

4. Blending: As the technician applies the extensions, they will focus on achieving a seamless blend between the classic and volume lashes. The goal is to create a natural yet voluminous look that enhances your eyes.

5. Final touches: Once all the desired lashes are applied, the technician will comb through the extensions to ensure they are evenly spaced and separated.

Hybrid lash extensions can provide a balance between a natural and dramatic look, depending on the ratio of classic to volume lashes used. They are a popular choice for those who want to add some extra volume and fullness to their lashes while still maintaining a relatively natural appearance. It's important to note that the longevity of hybrid lash extensions will vary depending on your natural lash growth cycle and how well you care for them. Regular maintenance appointments are typically recommended to keep your lashes looking their best.

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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

Classic Lash Extensions

Classic lash extensions are a popular beauty treatment that enhances the length, thickness, and curl of natural eyelashes. They involve the application of individual artificial lashes onto the natural lashes using a semi-permanent adhesive. Here are some key points about classic lash extensions:

1. Procedure: Classic lash extensions are applied by a trained lash technician. During the procedure, the client lies down with their eyes closed, and the technician carefully attaches synthetic lashes to individual natural lashes, close to the lash line. The process is meticulous and can take around one to two hours to complete, depending on the desired look and the number of lashes being applied.

2. Lash Types: Classic lash extensions are typically made from synthetic materials such as polyester or silk. They come in various lengths, thicknesses, and curls to achieve different effects. The lash technician will consider factors like the client's natural lash condition, eye shape, and desired outcome to select the most suitable lash type.

3. Natural Appearance: Classic lash extensions aim to provide a natural, enhanced look. The lashes are applied individually, one by one, to mimic the appearance of natural lashes. They are designed to be lightweight and comfortable to wear, so they shouldn't weigh down or damage the natural lashes when applied correctly. 4. Customization: Classic lash extensions offer customization options to meet individual preferences. The client can choose the length, thickness, and curl of the lashes based on their desired look. The lash technician will consider the client's eye shape, facial features, and personal style to create a customized lash design that enhances their natural beauty.

5. Maintenance: Classic lash extensions require some maintenance to ensure their longevity. It's important to keep the lashes clean and avoid rubbing or pulling them. Additionally, clients should avoid oil-based products around the eye area, as they can weaken the adhesive bond. Regular touch-up appointments are recommended every two to three weeks to replace any lashes that have shed and maintain a full appearance.

6. Duration: Classic lash extensions are considered semi-permanent, meaning they will gradually shed along with the natural lash growth cycle. On average, a single lash extension can last for around four to six weeks before shedding naturally but this does not mean it is a good idea to wait 6 weeks between touch-ups because as the natural lash grows, the extension will add weight to the natural lash and the lash may turn or become uncomfortable. Lashes have different growth cycles so clients may notice some gaps or unevenness as the lashes shed and new ones grow. Regular touch-ups help to maintain a consistently full look.

7. Safety Considerations: Classic lash extensions should be applied by a trained and experienced lash technician to ensure proper hygiene, technique, and safety. It's important to choose a reputable salon that uses high-quality products and practices good sanitation. Allergic reactions to the adhesive or lash materials are rare but possible, patch tests are available before the full application. Classic lash extensions can be a great option for those looking to enhance their natural lashes and achieve a fuller, more defined look. However, it's essential to consult with a qualified professional and discuss any concerns or expectations before getting the procedure done.

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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

Laser Genesis Skin Rejuvenation

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive skin treatment that uses laser technology to improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. It is designed to stimulate collagen production, tighten pores, reduce redness, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

During the treatment, a laser is used to gently heat the upper layer of the skin, known as the epidermis, which stimulates collagen production. This helps to improve the texture and tone of the skin. The treatment is also effective for reducing the appearance of redness and scars caused by acne.

Laser Genesis is a safe and effective treatment for all skin types and can be used on the face, neck, and chest. It is typically performed in a series of treatments, with each session lasting between 15 and 30 minutes.

It is important to note that Laser Genesis is a cosmetic treatment and should not be used to treat any underlying medical conditions. Book a consultation with Jenae at Loveland Lash & Skin Lounge before booking your treatment. Loveland Lash & Skin Lounge serves clients from Longmont, Berthoud, Loveland, Windsor, Johnstown and Fort Collins.

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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

IPL Laser Treatment

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses high-intensity pulses of light to improve the appearance of various skin conditions. IPL can help the skin in several ways:

1. Reducing the appearance of sun damage: IPL can help to reduce the appearance of sun damage, such as brown spots, age spots, and freckles. The light energy from the IPL device is absorbed by the pigment in the skin, breaking up the pigment and causing it to fade over time.

2. Treating rosacea: IPL can be an effective treatment for rosacea, a common skin condition that causes redness and inflammation in the face. The light energy from the IPL device can help to reduce the redness and inflammation associated with rosacea.

3. Improving skin texture: IPL can also help to improve the texture of the skin by stimulating collagen production. Collagen is a protein that helps to keep the skin firm and elastic, and IPL can help to boost collagen production, leading to smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

4. Treating acne: IPL can be used to treat acne by targeting the bacteria that cause acne and reducing inflammation in the skin.

IPL is generally considered safe and effective for most skin types, but it's important to book a consultation with Jenae at Loveland Lash & Skin Lounge to determine if IPL is right for you.

Loveland Lash & Skin Lounge serves clients from Longmont, Berthoud, Loveland, Windsor, Fort Collins and Johnstown.

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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott


Novalash extensions are a type of eyelash extensions that are applied to natural lashes using a medical-grade adhesive. Novalash is a brand of eyelash extensions that has gained popularity for its high-quality products and unique application techniques.

Novalash extensions are made from synthetic materials and come in various lengths, thicknesses, and curls to suit different eye shapes and personal preferences. The extensions are applied individually to each natural lash, creating a fuller and longer lash line. The application process requires a trained and certified lash artist who has experience in applying Novalash extensions.

Novalash extensions are known for their durability and longevity. They can last for several weeks with proper care and maintenance like washing lashes daily and avoiding excessive rubbing of the eyes. Novalash extensions can be customized to achieve a natural or dramatic look, depending on the desired outcome.

Lovleand Lash & Skin Lounge serves clients from Longmont, Loveland, Fort Collins, Windsor and Johnstown

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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

The Benefits of Microneedling

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of a device that contains tiny needles to create small punctures in the skin. This process is also known as collagen induction therapy. The benefits of microneedling include:

1. Improved skin texture: Microneedling promotes collagen production, which can help improve the texture of the skin. Collagen is a protein that gives skin its firmness and elasticity.

2. Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles: By increasing collagen production, microneedling can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Improved skin tone and color: Microneedling can help improve the overall tone and color of the skin by promoting the growth of new skin cells.

4. Reduced appearance of scars: Microneedling can help reduce the appearance of scars, including acne scars and surgical scars.

5. Reduced appearance of stretch marks: Microneedling can also help reduce the appearance of stretch marks by promoting collagen production.

6. Improved absorption of topical products: Microneedling can help improve the absorption of topical products, such as serums and moisturizers, by creating tiny channels in the skin that allow the products to penetrate more deeply.

Overall, microneedling can help improve the appearance of the skin and is a minimally invasive alternative to more aggressive cosmetic treatments like chemical peels and laser resurfacing.

Loveland Lash & Skin Lounge, close to Longmont, Berthoud, Fort Collins, Windsor and Johnstown

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Jenae Abbott Jenae Abbott

The lowdown on the VI Peel

Interested in getting a chemical peel but not sure where to start? Here are the descriptions of the different VI Peels offered and how they will help your skin.

VI Peel Original. This is the perfect peel for first timers who are not sure what the process is like. This peel does not include any boosters and will be the lightest peel. It contains a synergistic blend of powerful ingredients suitable for all skin types. This peel will help to improve the tone, texture and clarity of the skin and provide anti-aging benefits. Specifically formulated to rejuvenate and prevent future damage to the skin. It will restore a more even skin tone, smooth away rough skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

VI Peel Advanced. This is the strongest peel with a booster system formulated to combat the effects of aging. It is made with a powerful blend of ingredients to provide a deeper penetration to soften fine lines and wrinkles, enhance cellular turnover, and stimulate collagen production. The formula contains 16% more solution with VI Peel’s lowest pH allowing for a deeper peel. This peel will smooth away rough texture, penetrate mature skin and stimulate collagen production.

VI Peel Precision Plus. This peel has a booster system designed to combat pigmentation with a hydroquinone-enriched lightening booster and a fast acting brightening booster. This peel will effectively suppress pigment and promote rapid cell turnover. Since this peel is specifically for discoloration, it will effectively suppress melanogenesis, penetrate damaged areas, promote rapid cell turnover, exfoliate and help diminish pigmentation and textural damage to restore skin to its natural health.

VI Peel Purify. This peel is for active acne and oily skin. It is a highly effective treatment for acne. It contains the original VI Peel formula plus the power of benzol peroxide, kojic acid and hydrocortisone for superior, consistent results. This peel is a targeted solution to tackle active acne and acne prone skin. The benefits are that it will increase cellular turnover to clear pores, eliminate acne bacteria, sooth inflammation and redness, exfoliate and help diminish pigmentation and textural damage to restore skin to its natural health and reduce sebum production.

VI Peel Purify w/Precision Plus. This peel is for acne and acne scarring. This booster system is an advanced acne solution that helps to rid the skin of active acne. The formula helps to fade textural scarring and post-inflammatory pigmentation caused by acne breakouts. It will reduce acne bacteria, comedones and sebum production in the skin as it unclogs congested pores. It will also fade acne scarring and pigmentation while promoting healthy cell regeneration.

Every VI Peel comes with a post peel kit with all of the post treatment items needed to care for your skin after the procedure. This is for no extra charge, which I love.

Fall and winter are the best seasons to get a chemical peel since there is a lesser chance of high sun exposure; however, a VI Peel can be done year around. Never fear, peel season is here!

*VI Peel descriptions were provided by the Vitality Institute.

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